Meet your teacher

Meet your teacher

You may or may not be familiar with the recent update of Germander Cottage Crafts offering live tuition for knitting or crochet. 

So, you may have a few questions and I thought I would introduce myself. 

I am Hanna and I first qualified as a teacher in 2013 after completing a PGCE in post-16 education and training. I had been teaching English for 8 years before I became self employed in 2020. Whilst I loved being a teacher and building rapport and trust with students of all ages, my life had changed dramatically at home with a new baby and a toddler, sleepless nights, pandemic worries, job uncertainty and depression. I launched my own business and became my own boss and I thoroughly credit craft as a huge part of my success. 

I am now a knitwear and crochet designer, a craft shop custodian and a blogger. I will always be a teacher too.

I have been knitting and crocheting for as long as I have been a teacher (funny that) and I have been passionate about it since week one. The mental health benefits of craft are undeniable and I love to see more and more people picking up a crochet hook or a pair of needles and learning something new. 

During the lockdowns of 2020, I had thought about how nice it would be to offer live tuition so that people could learn a new skill. These things take a lot of planning and preparation though, and rightly so. I am glad to be able to tell you that I now offer live classes.

You can be sure that I am committed to my students and their development. I promise a fun, safe learning environment where you can feel empowered with new knowledge and skills. I will always be on hand to help in between classes to make sure you don't panic or forget what you're doing. 

I teach beginners in both crochet and knitting. Some courses are more advanced e.g. sock knitting and others are completely learner led and broken up into manageable chunks. I want nothing more than for my students to get the most out of a fulfilling hobby. I really hope you decide to sign up with me and learn something new! 

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