Why should you try the granny square?
If you're new to crochet, you will have undoubtedly seen the granny square. It's a square piece of fabric that looks like thick lace. It is worked from the centre out and can vary in colour and style. Some granny squares are tiny, while others are an entire blanket. Some start square and stay square, while others start round and finish square. Scroll down and you'll see what I mean.
Granny squares haven't really gone anywhere since their boom in the 1970s. As Debbie Stoller, author of Stitch and Bitch: The Happy Hooker recalls:
If you grew up in the seventies, as I did, you might fear the granny square--if only because, for a while, clothing was made of nothing else. Granny square vests, granny square shorts, granny square hats. Heck, I bet there was some kid out there who was forced to go to school wearing granny square underwear.
Things are not so desperate these days but you certainly get the impression that granny squares are:
- Addictive
- Versatile
- Wearable (ish)
If you've seen anything from my Youtube channel recently, you will see that I too, am hooked on these clever little squares. You will see me making lots of them this month for the #StashBlanketCAL. This is a winter project where myself and anyone who wants to join will be making a blanket from their stash yarns. It's lots of fun. Read more about that here.
What is a granny square for?
I was asked this via Twitter and I honestly have no idea. My understanding of the granny square is that it is convenient, takes up little yarn and little space and can be considered a piece of a greater puzzle. It helps you to get through scraps of yarn and build something big without the worry of long rows.
What can you do with granny squares?
Now for the fun part! What I'm going to show you next are some examples of where the granny square works and how you could use it.
Example A: The Battenberg blanket

This is the Battenberg blanket from the Cherry Heart Blog. You can view it here
I absolutely love this granny square design because it drapes so well and allows you to use all the colours you can, if you want to. It's just gorgeous. You could work on this over a longer period of time and just make squares when you have the time. You would be able to work plenty of granny squares in one sitting as they're so small. It's also ideal for using up stash yarns!
Example B: The Squircle Bag

This is the Squircle bag by Lyndsey of Artisan Crochet designs. It's a very clever design as it uses the granny square but with an added element of circles. Circles with corners! I also love the way the squares have been joined together to make a cute market bag. Why not try this with some everyday yarn and use it as a way of keeping your carrier bag usage down? Try some sturdy cotton or hemp for heavier goods. This is another example of where the granny square absolutely works. You can get the Squircle bag pattern here.
Example C: Granny Square Cardigan

While granny squares undoubtedly make good accessories and blankets, you should try the granny square as part of a garment. This is the Granny Square Cardigan pattern by Janne Kleivset of Joy Of Modern Crochet. You can read more aboutt he pattern here. What I love about this is that you can make an entire garment but start off really small. A single granny square is no big ask.
Example D: Crochet shorts
I think this is a classic case of 'just because you could, doesn't mean that you should'. if you want to, go ahead! It's just not my cup of tea.

Like I said, you do you.
Overall, you should definitely try the granny square. head to my Youtube for some straight to the point, quick granny square tutorials. Why not join my latest crochet along and work on your granny squares too?
I love the Battenburg blanket, I’ve got loads of random yarn I could use for this!
I started a Battenberg blanket this year. It’s going to be a long term project to use up scraps. I think it will take me a few years a but that’s ok.
The Battenburg blanket is definitely on my aspirational wish list