Knit and crochet blog | Germander Cottage Crafts

There's more to crochet than granny squares but...
It's a common misconception that crafters make to think that crochet is only about granny squares and anything that vaguely resembles a granny square. That's not true. There is so...
There's more to crochet than granny squares but...
It's a common misconception that crafters make to think that crochet is only about granny squares and anything that vaguely resembles a granny square. That's not true. There is so...

If gifting hurts, maybe it's time to stop
Do you knit gifts for others? Have you thought about gifting before? Knitting for others can bring a sense of fulfilment, happiness or just that feel good factor that we...
If gifting hurts, maybe it's time to stop
Do you knit gifts for others? Have you thought about gifting before? Knitting for others can bring a sense of fulfilment, happiness or just that feel good factor that we...

Hand knit socks might not change your life but ...
Ever wondered what all the hype surrounding hand knit socks is for? They might not change your life but I can assure you that they might make it more comfortable....
Hand knit socks might not change your life but ...
Ever wondered what all the hype surrounding hand knit socks is for? They might not change your life but I can assure you that they might make it more comfortable....

How to make a beautiful pom pom
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. In this post...
How to make a beautiful pom pom
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. In this post...

Crochet cardigans for beginners
Here I'll explain why beginners can crochet cardigans with ease. Learning to crochet garments is no more difficult than learning to crochet blankets, home decor or toys. Choose a crochet...
Crochet cardigans for beginners
Here I'll explain why beginners can crochet cardigans with ease. Learning to crochet garments is no more difficult than learning to crochet blankets, home decor or toys. Choose a crochet...

Make your own T shirt yarn. DIY yarn tutorial.
Here's how to make your own t shirt yarn from fabrics you may want to recycle instead of throwing out. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get...
Make your own T shirt yarn. DIY yarn tutorial.
Here's how to make your own t shirt yarn from fabrics you may want to recycle instead of throwing out. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get...